Attention Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Author and Home Business Enthusiast...Discover the Power OF Your Voice and get your name entered to win a free 30 second commercial aired live on 1320 WARL Am radio and in itunes!!

Offices in New York City, NY & Clearwater, FL

DocUmeant Designs Presents:

Raven aka "The Talk Show Maven" Blair Davis as she
Exposes her Insider Secrets!

Raven "Talk Show Maven"

Discover 7 secrets that will put you on the fast track to Broadcasting Your Business. Join the growing number of smart and savvy business owners who have already discovered the gigantic potential podcasting presents.

Register NOW for the Broadcast Your Passion to Profits teleseminar to be held on April 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM EST
(7:00 Central, 6:00 Mountain, 5:00 Pacific)

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Note: You are subscribing to the teleseminar ONLY!

Whether You Want To Interview Celebrities, Business Owners or Simply Experts in Their Chosen Fields, Creating a Talk Show Is For You!

Valuable information that will be shared will include:

  • What exactly is Podcasting

  • Why every business owner needs to be podcasting…especially during the recession

  • How podcasting your business will make you a celebrity in your industry

  • The many ways to monetize from a radio show or podcast without changing much of what you are currently doing

  • The insider secrets that others are using to establish themselves as the obvious expert in their field


Here are just a few rave reviews from Raven's
numerous interviews:

Jack Canfield"I have appeared on more than 800 radio interview shows in the past 20 years, and my time with Raven Blair Davis on her show "Careers from the Kitchen Table" was one of the most enjoyable ever. She is a rare combination of dynamic, spontaneous and fun, as well as thoroughly prepared, deeply insightful and a great listener who responds with great follow-up questions as well as her own experiences in a way that moves the conversation forward without stealing the focus. I would highly recommend being on her show to anyone who is serious about getting your message out to more people--and enjoying the process at the same time."

Jack Canfield
America's #1 Success Coach

Denise NicholasOver the course of my years as an actress and these last three years as a published writer, I’ve done interviews for all kinds of media, as well as in-person talks with Tavis Smiley, Larry King and many others. I absolutely enjoyed my time with Raven Blair Davis.

Raven’s questions were thoughtful, insightful and there was even time for laughter. The interview laid out the silk road and the bumpy road for anyone ready to take the trip of reaching for a dream, no matter what age. She’s the best!! Thanks, Raven!

Best Wishes,
Denise Nicholas
Acclaimed Actress
JoyceAgu"Raven Blair Davis is an articulate, intelligent and giving woman. As a guest on her show, she welcomed me warmly and put me at ease right from the beginning. She's an instant best friend, just the kind of person anyone would want to open up with and talk to! I would be a guest on her show again anytime!"

Joyce Robinson Agu
7th season $1M winner of The Amazing Race reality show
Janette Cates"Raven - Thanks for making my interview such a pleasant and valuable experience. You asked the questions your listeners wanted answered. You listened to my answers and probed deeper. You really delved into the heart of the interview. From the first contact through the interview to the replay, you displayed your professionalism and caring attitude at every step - and I appreciate it! "

Jeanette Cates, PhD
Author, Online Success Tactics

And from one of her students these words of inspiration:

Nekisha Michelle"You can have a life that you love, but it begins with knowing what you want and recognizing the vehicle to make it happen. I knew that it was time to get my message heard by many and the vehicle I chose was, Raven Blair Davis's Kitchen Table Radio course. The education and mentoring I received from her made producing and hosting a show realistic and doable. I jumped aboard the KTR movement and as a result I will debut Thursday, June 5, 2008 on LA Talk Radio formally known as BBS Talk Radio as the talk show host of my own live show 'Living Vivaciously'.

By staying the course and utilizing her personal scripts and directives I was able to book well-known experts, I have already received sponsors and I exude the professionalism and language that's needed to be successful and create a loyal listnership. Her personal coaching sessions and commitment to my success helped me stay on task and be present and accountable to my own dream.

Every ingredient needed to go from good to great -I experienced in the KTR course. So if you have a message that you want to share, I suggest you lay aside the "WAIT" and I recommend that you join the movement as a student of Kitchen Talk Radio, and allow Raven Blair Davis to make your dream realistic and doable. The time is now!!!"

Nekisha-Michelle, LMSW,

Register NOW for the Broadcast Your Passion to Profits teleseminar to be held on April 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM EST (7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific)

count me in teleseminar arrow

Note: You are subscribing to the teleseminar ONLY!


You must attend to be eligible.

Drawing to WIN FREE COMMERICALS on 2 Radio shows and let your business reach massive exposure for one full week for free!

Anyone who attends the live call name will be entered, after the call, into the drawing and two lucky people will walk away winners. (You must be on the call when your name is announced to claim the free commercial)

**Each Winner will receive  a  FREE 2-30 second commercials (two-weeks worth of air time aired 3 times that week live VALUE $400.00!) on Careers From The Kitchen Table  to be heard on  1320  1320 WARL Am Radio as well as on which will air a minimum of six months through replays of the show your commercial originally aired on.
**We will pick (1) winners from our drawing and announce at the end of the call.

Read what the widow of the late Earl Nightingale had to say...

Diana Nightingale

The Kitchen Table Radio Personal Broadcasting Course, was a god-send for me. As the widow of, radio legend, Earl Nightingale, many of my customers today first heard of Earl over the airwaves of early radio. His "Our Changing World" radio show was heard daily around the world, but it was always his desire for the two of us to have a radio show together one day.

When I learned about, The Kitchen Table Radio Personal Broadcasting Course, I just about jumped for joy! The Course is incredibly informative and provided me with every tool I needed to be on the air and sharing the Nightingale messages. The only thing Raven asked me to bring "to the table" was my own personal desire!

Raven, thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Diana Nightingale,
Nighingale Radio, Host


Every day you delay putting your marketing plan in action costs you customers and income.

Register NOW for the Broadcast Your Passion to Proftis teleseminar to be held on April 21, 2009 at 8:00 PM EST (7:00 PM Central, 6:00 PM Mountain, 5:00 PM Pacific)

count me in teleseminar arrow

Note: You are subscribing to the teleseminar ONLY!

For more information on Raven and her dynamic shows go to or

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DocUmeant designs Publishing
14 Wall St 20th Floor
NY, NY 10005

1730 Rainbow Dr
Clearwater,FL 33755